How to be effortlessly chic on a daily basis?

Koja od nas ne bi volela da izgleda fenomenalno, a da pritom deluje kao da nije uložila mnogo truda? Ima nas dosta. I šta obući kada treba da provedeš ceo dan ispunjavajući obaveze, a pritom i da odeš na predavanja pa na piće? Raskopani Beograd kaže:"Nikako cipele sa stiklom jer ćeš završiti kao Alisa u zemlji čuda kada upadneš u neku rupu." Sledeća dilema je da li obući mantil ili izaći u kratkim rukavima. Ni jedno ni drugo jer ove temperature od 10 stepeni ujutru i 25 u tri popodne će učiniti da zažališ ukoliko se odlučiš za neku od ove dve varijante. Suočena sa ovim problemima odlučila sam se za najklasičniju moguću varijantu. Farmerice, majica, košulja. Za jučerašnji dan je to bio pun pogodak. 

Bez mnogo truda i muke, izgledala sam veoma chic zahvaljujući ovoj košulji. Iako je imam od proleća, obukla sam je samo par puta. Naručila sam je online i promašila veličinu pa mi mnogo bolje pristaje kada je ne zakopčavam. Što se tiče cipela, od kada sam ih dobila, ne izuvam ih. Razlog je to što su praktične, udobne i  idu uz sve pa mi nemojte zameriti  što ih ima na svakoj mojoj slici na instagramu. Na svu moju sreću, konačno iz mode izlaze pocepane farmerice i vraćaju se na scenu jednobojne, slim, nepocepane i večne farmerice. Ukoliko neko zna gde bih mogla da nabavim slične ovakve, pišite mi. 

Which one of us would not like to look phenomenal, and that, at the same time, she seems to have not invested much effort? There are plenty of us. And what should we wear when we have to fulfill our obligations, go to college and go for a drink with a friend? Belgrade says: "No shoes with a high heel because you will end up like Alice in a wonderland when you fall into a hole." The next dilemma is whether to put on a coat or go out in short sleeves. None of this, because these temperatures at 10 degrees in the morning and 25 in the afternoon will make you regret if you decide for one of these two variants. Faced with these problems, I decided for the most classical possible variant. Jeans, T-shirt, shirt. 

Without much effort, I looked very chic thanks to this shirt. Although I have since the spring, I wore it only a few times. I ordered it online and missed the size so it fits me better when I do not swap it. As for the shoes, since I got them, I don't take them off. The reason is that they are practical, comfortable and go with anything, so don't blame me because there are on every picture on my Instagram. For all my happiness, ripped jeans are out of fashion. If anyone knows where I can get similar to the ones I wear, contact me.

Handbag-David Jones


  1. Divan post! Jako mi se dopadaju slike :)

    Zapratila sam te, ako zelis uzvrati <3
    Novi post


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