Etno selo "Stanišići"
Ovog leta, na 119 km od Beograda, našla sam raj u malom. Iako nisam imala velikih ocekivanja, kući sam se vraćala oduševljena. Pre polaska nisam ulazila čak ni na njihov sajt, već sam samo prelistala slike sa instagrama i stekla sam utisak da je mnogo manji nego što zaista jeste. Ono što treba da znate pred sam polazak na put jeste da vam treba zeleni karton (oko 2000 dinara), da ćete platiti prelazak mosta između granica 140 dinara i da ćete ako idete, kao i ja, u jeku sezone, na granici čekati nešto više od pola sata. Odraslim osobama je potrebna samo lična karta za prelazak granice, dok je za decu potreban pasoš, jer ćete ukoliko im ponudite zdravstvenu knjižicu deteta dobiti odgovor da oni nisu lekari, već carinici. Od same granice do etno sela "Stanišići" stiže se veoma brzo. Ceo kompleks je ograđen i ulaz se NE plaća. Važi za najveće etno selo na Balkanu, a definitivno je najveće koje sam ja posetila. U ponudi imaju ponešto za svakoga, pa tako imaju 2 hotela, 2 restorana, 2 kafane, 19 drvenih kućica (sve datiraju iz 50-ih godina prošlog veka, ukoliko se dobro sećam; vlasnik etno sela ih je otkupljivao i prenosio u etno selo kako bi ih sačuvao od zaborava), crkvicu, 2 fudbalska terena, mini zoo vrt, welness i spa centar (koji nije bio još uvek svečano otvoren u periodu kada sam ja bila tamo), nekoliko veštačkih jezera i vozić (kome je početna stanica, stanica Podlugovi). Sve u svemu, jedno lepo, stilski uređeno, romantično mesto. Veoma je posećeno u sezoni, što dokazuje činjenica da smo samo u potrazi slobodnog stola u restoranima proveli pola sata. Cene u restoranu su iste kao i kod nas, ali je usluga veoma loša. Tog dana se u istom restoranu održavala svadba (u restoranu), a ostali gosti su sedeli u bašti. Da li je to bio uzrok nemarljivosti i sporosti konobara, ne znam, ali po mom mišljenju ima ih veoma malo. Što se tiče vozića, cena voznje je 1 konvertabilna marka, što je pola evra. Ako nakon svega ovoga sedite i razmišljate da li vredi posetiti ovaj komleks, moj odgovor je-da. Isplatiće vam se i više nego što mislite. Gorivo i plin su izuzetno jeftini u Republici Srpskoj, pa krenite skoro praznog rezervoara i napunite ga kada pređete granicu. Tako ćete pokriti trošak zelenog kartona automatski. Naravno, razne turističke agencije nude jednodnevne eksurzije od Beograda do Stanišića i to po ceni od (okvirno) 1300 dinara po osobi. Moj celokupan utisak je pozitivan. Dopalo mi se mesto i jedva čekam ponovnu priliku da ga posetim.
Only 119 km away from Belgrade, there is a small paradise. Although I did not have great expectations, I returned home delighted. Before leaving, I did not even enter their site, but I just sketched images from instagrams and got the impression that it's much smaller than it really is. What should you know before leaving on a trip is that you need a green card (about 2000 dinars), that you will pay the crossing of the bridge between the borders of 140 dinars and that if you go, like me, in the eve of the season, wait a little more than half an hour at the border. From the border to village "Stanisic" you will arrive very quickly. The whole complex is fenced and entrance is free of charge. Valid for the largest ethno village in the Balkans, and definitely the biggest that I've visited. They offer something for everyone, so they have 2 hotels, 2 restaurants, 2 taverns, 19 wooden houses (all dating back to the 1950s, if I remember well, the owner of the ethno village bought them and transferred them to the ethno village as he would preserve them from oblivion), a church, 2 football fields, a mini zoo, a wellness center and a spa (which was not yet ceremonially opened during the time I was there), several artificial lakes and a train (to which the starting station is the station Podlugovi). One nice, stylish decorated, romantic place. It is very visited during the season, which is proven by the fact that we only spent half an hour looking for a free table in restaurants. Prices in the restaurant are the same as in Serbia, but the service is very bad. That same day a wedding was held at the same restaurant (in the restaurant), and the rest of the guests sat in the garden. Whether it was the cause of the slowness of waiters, I do not know, but in my opinion there are not enough waiters. As for the price of tickets for the train, the price of the drive is 1 convertible mark, which is half the euro. Of course, various travel agencies offer one-day excursions from Belgrade to Stanisic, at a price of (approximately) 1300 dinars per person. My overall impression is positive. I loved the place and can not wait again to have the opportunity to visit that place.
Until next time,
Mesto je predivno, zaista sam odusevljena!
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