Army green for autumn
Every season has its own charm. Also, every season has its own color. When it comes to autumn, I don't love anything more than olive green color. It's easy to combine, it looks good and it seems to me that it works well for me. I ordered a couple things from Gamiss and I'm thrilled. This beautiful jacket arrived first. I liked how it clutched, and we do not need to talk about color. I ordered it in size M, which may have been a small mistake, because now I can't carry some sweaters underneath it. My advice is to take a number larger. Then, that I wouldn't worry about with what to combine it with, I solved the problem by ordering boots and a purse from the same site in the same color. I was worried whether I would guess the size of the boots, because I normally wear 38/39, and I ordered 38. Fortunately, the size is perfect for me. In the whole order, I was most looking forward to this bag. It was love at first sight. It can be worn in many ways, it is made from a beautiful material, the handles are solid and there isn't a problem if you carry something harder in it. A picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look and see for yourself.
Svako godišnje doba ima neku svoju draž. Takođe, svako godišnje doba ima i svoju boju. Kad nastupi jesen meni nema milije od maslinasto zelene. Lako se kombinuje, dobro izgleda i čini mi se da mi dobro ide uz boju tena. Sa Gamiss sajta sam naručila par stvarčica i malo je reći da sam oduševljena. Prvo mi je stigla ova preslatka jaknica. Svidelo mi se to kako se kopča, a o boji ne moramo ni govoriti. Naručila sam je u veličini M, što je možda bila mala greška jer sada ispod nje ne mogu da nosim neke džempere. Moj savet je da uzmete broj veću, čisto da vas u rukavima ne bi stezala. Zatim sam, da ne bih brinula o tome šta ću sa čime kombinovati, rešila problem time što sam sa istog sajta naručila čizmice i tašnu. Bila sam zabrinuta da li ću pogoditi veličinu čizama, jer inače nosim 38/39, a naručila sam 38. Srećom, velična je kao stvorena za mene. U celoj porudžbini, najviše sam se radovala ovoj tašni. Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. Može se nositi na dosta načina, lepog je materijala, ručke su čvrste pa nije problem ako nosite nešto teže u njoj. Slike govore više od hiljadu reči, pa pogledajte i sami se uverite.
Until next time,
I love this color! Jacket looks wonderful on you! Bag is so sweet too! So nice and interesting post darling, great!
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