Matura, koju sam nedavno proslavila, bila je jedna od najlepših večeri u mom životu. Potraga za haljinom je dugo trajala iako su moji zahtevi bili poprilično jednostavni. Želela sam da haljina upotpunjuje moju ličnost, prati moju figuru i da me ne sprečava da celu noć provedem na plesnom podijumu.
Prom, which I recently celebrated, was one of the most beautiful nights of my life. Search for the dress was very long even though my requests were quite simple. I wanted the dress to fulfill my personality, to follow my figure and to not prevent me from spending the entire night on the dancefloor.
Što se tiče frizure, želela sam nešto što će biti u mom stilu.
As for the hair, I wanted something that would be in my style.
Odlučila sam da ću sama sebe našminkati za maturu. Srećom, nisam se pokajala zbog te odluke jer sam bila prezadovoljna konačnim izgledom i trajanjem šminke.
I decited to do my own makeup for prom. Fortunately, I have not regretted that decision because I was more than satisfied with the final look and duration of makeup.
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