Love story

Dragi moji, javljam vam se nakon dosta vremena sa mnogo lepih i veselih vesti. Prošla godina bila je veoma teška s obzirom na situaciju sa pandemijom, međutim, meni je bila najlepša u životu. Započela sam zajednički život sa svojim dragim, venčali smo se, a zatim dobili bebu.  S obzirom da velika slavlja nisu bila dozvoljena, na venčanju su bili samo naši kumovi. U neku ruku i to ima svoju draž, jer nije bilo onog stresa kroz koji prolaze mlade na dan venčanja. Nije bilo ustajanja u 5 da bih se pripremila pre dolazaka gostiju. Nije bilo drame niti žurbe. Otišla sam kod frizera, sama se našminkala nakon toga i onda se lagano i opušteno spremala. Čak je bilo vremena i za ples i parče pice pred polazak. Moja kuma ume često da kaže kako joj je cilj da na svom venčanju bude srećna koliko sam ja bila na svom. A kako i ne bih bila srećna, udala sam se za nekog ko mi je podrška i oslonac, rame za plakanje i najveća ljubav. Sve. 

Iako nije bilo velikog slavlja, želela sam da budem obučena u belo. Nikada nisam zamišljala sebe u nekoj ogromnoj balskoj haljini. Ona svakako, ne bi ni pristajala građanskom venčanju kakvo je bilo naše. Sasvim slučajno sam je pronašla u jednom butiku na Čuburi i čak i svog supruga iznenadila time koliko sam lako i brzo izabrala haljinu. 

Upravo danas, na Mladence, želela sam sa vama da podelim ove vesti i fotografije. Srećni mladenci svima koji danas slave.

S ljubavlju,


My dear friends, after a long time I have some happy news to share with you. Last year was very difficult considering the situation with the pandemic, however, it was the most beautiful in my life. I started living together with my sweetheart, we got married and then had a baby. Since big celebrations were not allowed, only our best man and maid of honor were present at the wedding. In a way, that also has its charm, because there was no stress that people go through on their wedding day. There was no getting up at 5 to prepare before the guests arrived. There was no drama or rush. I went to the hairdresser, put on make-up by myself after that, and then got ready easily. There was even time for a dance and a slice of pizza before leaving. My maid of honor often says that her goal is to be as happy at her wedding as I was at mine. How could I not be happy, I married someone who is my support, a shoulder to cry on, and my greatest love. My everything. 

Although there was no big celebration, I wanted to be dressed in white. I never imagined myself in some huge ball gown. It certainly wouldn't even fit a civil wedding like ours. Quite by accident, I found a dress in a boutique in Čubura and even surprised my husband with how easily and quickly I chose the dress.

With love,



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