It's all about that bag
Ljubav na prvi pogled. Da, to je za mene bila ova tašnica. Žene imaju omiljeni tip muškarca, ali imaju i omiljeni tip torbe, u to budite sigurni. Moja omiljen oblik, boja, materijal se oslikavaju na ovoj tašnici. Naručila sam je isto kada i garderobu iz prethodnog posta, ali sam želela posebno da vam je predstavim. Naručila sam je sa Gamiss sajta. Plišana je, lanac/kaiš joj se podešava tako da je možete nositi na više načina, ima mali džep u unutrašnjosti. Boja tašne je veoma zahvalna jer će se na sivoj najmanje videti ukoliko se isprlja ili izgrebe. Možete je naći ovde. Trenutno je rasprodata, ali se iskreno nadam da će je biti ponovo. Ne bih više pisala, jer slike govore hiljadu reči. Ostavite mi u komentarima kakve vi tašne volite.
Love at first sight. Yes, this bag was that for me. Women have a favorite type of man, but they also have a favorite type of bag, so be sure. My favorite shape, color, material is reflected on this purse. I ordered it in the same time when the clothes from the previous post, but I wanted especially to introduce her majesty to you. I ordered it from the Gamiss site. It is plated, the chain is adjusted so that it can be worn in many ways and has a small pocket inside. The color of the bag is very grateful, because if it gets dirty or scratched it will not be as noticeable as on some others. You can find it here. It's currently sold out. I wouldn't write anymore, because a picture is worth a thousand words. Leave me in comments what type of bags do you like.
Until next time,
Amazing outfit, u look fantastic. Bag is wonderful.
ОдговориИзбришиGreat post darling, so nice and interesting.
Enjoy in the weekend!
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Visit me,Hope see you soon. Maleficent