Dresslink wishlist

Na moje veliko zadovoljstvo, pružila mi se prilika da sarađujem sa Dresslink sajtom. Na njemu možete naći veliki izbor garderobe, obuće, nakita, ali i random stvari. Ono što mi se posebno dopada kod ovog sajta jeste to što na skoro svakom proizvodu imate date utiske onih koji su to već poručili, a ponegde i fotografije naručenih proizvoda (izuzetno važno stavka po mom misljenju jer svako ko naručuje želi biti siguran da će proizvod koji stigne biti isti kao i na slici).

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to work with Dresslink site. On Dresslink site you can find a wide selection of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and random things. What I especially like about this site is that almost every product you have given impressions of those who have already ordered, and in some places and photos of the ordered product (this is extremely important in my opinion because everyone who ordered wants to be sure that the product that arrives will be the same as in the picture).

Naručila sam dva proizvoda i čekam da pristignu, a u međuvremenu sam sastavila listu želja sa ovog sajta. 
I ordered two products and I am waiting them to arrive, but in the meantime I have drawn up a wishlist from this site.

Ukoliko želite da naručite nešto sa sajta, možete iskoristiti popust uz pomoću sledećih kodova:

If you want to order something from the site, you can take advantage of discounts by using the following codes:

lendy15 == $1 off for purchase $15
lendy19 == $2 off for purchase $19
lendy29 == $3 off for purchase $29

Kodovi važe do 28.2.2017. 
Codes are valid until 28th Feb, 2017.

Nadam se da vam se dopada moja lista želja. Kliknite na priložene linkove i pogledajte više o ovim proizvodima. 

I hope you like my wish list. Click on the attached links and see more about these products.


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